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President Biden Releases Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Proposal for the Department of Education

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On Monday, President Biden submitted his Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 budget proposal to Congress, marking the kick-off of the budget and appropriations process for the fiscal year that begins on October 1. The budget request seeks to rectify significant inequities in underserved communities through significant investments in equity programs such as Title I and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Overall, it would increase the Department of Education (ED) by more than 20 percent. Topline themes of the proposal include

  • Supporting students during the pandemic response and recovery
  • Providing historic investments to high-poverty schools
  • Increasing support for infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities by putting IDEA on a glidepath to full funding and doubling IDEA Part C
  • Investing in educator recruitment and retention, including more than doubling IDEA personnel preparation
  • Improving student mental health
  • Improving access, affordability, and equity in higher education

The timing of the budget posed a challenge for the Biden Administration, which waited until FY 2022 was enacted to release its proposal for FY 2023. While most programs within ED received a proposed increase, 34 programs that were intended to be level fund appear to be receiving a cut because ED based its budget proposal on enacted FY 2021 levels. ED has voiced its support for the enacted funding levels for FY 2022, calling the cuts “unintended,” but will not be submitting a new budget to Congress.

Below are details about the programs CEC proactively advocates for:
Program FY 2021 FY 2022 Budget Proposal

IDEA Part B grants to states

$12.9 billion $13.3 billion $16.3. billion

IDEA Part B preschool grants

$398 million $410 million $503 million

IDEA Part C infants and toddlers

$482 million $496 million $932 million

IDEA Part D personnel preparation

$90 million $95 million $250 million

Javits Gifted and Talented Grants Program

$13.5 million $14.5 million $13.5 million

National Center for Special Education Research

$58.5 million $60.3 million $58.5 million

The release of the President’s budget is the first step in the process of developing and finalizing FY 2023. Over the next few months, Congress will hear from Administration leaders, constituents, and colleagues, and take that input under consideration when developing bills for FY 2023.

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Posted:  1 April, 2022

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