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Danté Quintin Allen Confirmed as Commissioner of the Rehabilitation Services Administration

On Thursday, the U.S. Senate approved the nomination of Danté Quintin Allen to lead the U.S. Department of Education’s Rehabilitative Services Administration (RSA). Until his confirmation, Allen had been serving as executive director for CalABLE, California’s ABLE Act savings and investment program for people with disabilities. Under his five-year leadership, CalABLE was the fastest growing ABLE Act program in the country. Prior to leading CalABLE, Allen was a communications leader for organizations including Kaiser Permanente and the California Department of Public Health’s Office of Health Equity. A fulltime wheelchair user, Allen is a well-known advocate for disability rights and equity. Upon his confirmation, Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona remarked, “I look forward to working together with Mr. Allen to provide individuals with disabilities and all students with equitable access to the education and training they need to find good-paying jobs; achieve economic security; and lead healthy, independent lives.”

To view a press release about his confirmation, go here.

Posted:  8 December, 2023

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